Bipul Kumar Debnath is a very talented poor Student. He is an English Honors 1st year student of Dhaka Collage. He has passed in the S. S. C and H. S. C Examination with both GPA-5 or Grade A+. Now he is attacked Multiple Exostosis all over the body (Multiple Bone Increase), Left humerus swelling increase in size last 5 months. Bipul Debnath have now treatment under Dr. Manassen Nithyananth of Christian Medical College , Ida Scudder Road • Vellore 632004 • Tamil Nadu • India. Doctor advice is, this problem will be remove must operation immediately. But his Father is a very poor tea sealer. His family members are five. We know he can’t provide total treatment cost 2 (Two) Lac Bangladesh Taka approximate.
Please find attached appeal . You can know details information and medical report of Bipul Kumar Debnath.