Santal revolution anniversary June 30

Columnist Syed Abul Moksud speaks at a press conference on the 155th anniversary of Santal revolution at Dhaka Reporters' Unity auditorium in the city yesterday. On his left is Justice Gholam Rabbani and on his right is Prof Mesbah Kamal. Photo: Focus Bangla
Leaders of Bangladesh Adivasi Odhikar Andolan yesterday reiterated their demand for constitutional recognition of indigenous people to ensure their rights.
They also called for steps to protect their right to land and forest by cancelling the eco-park projects in forest areas.
The leaders made the call at a press conference on the 155th anniversary of Santal revolution, which will be observed on June 30.
General secretary of the organisation Prof Mesbah Kamal announced the programmes taken up to mark the day.
He also placed a 17-point demand, including ensuring constitutional rights of the ethnic minorities.
The organisers informed that 'Sidhu-Kanu-Fulmoni' Award 2010 would be given to Kumudini Hajang, a leader Tanka movement, on the occasion. The award was instituted after the name of two brothers Sidhu and Kanu and their sister Fulmoni, who spearheaded the Santal revolution.
Justice Gholam Rabbani and journalist and columnist Syed Abul Moksud were present at the press conference held at Dhaka Reporters' Unity auditorium.
On June 30 in 1855, the Santals led by Sidhu and Kanu, revolted against the British misrule, which is known as Santal Revolt and Santal Hul.
Thousands of people, mostly Santals and farmers, sacrificed their lives during Santal Hul, one of the major revolts against the ruling class in British India. The two-year upsurge spread across the then Bengal, Bihar and Orissa, the speakers said.
Abul Maksud called for an end to discrimination against the ethnic minorities.