( November 16, 2013, Dhaka, Sri Lanka Guardian) After the death
of the father of the nation of Bangladesh, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur
Rahaman, the noted intellectual of India Annada Shankar Roy wrote
regarding the future of Hindus in Bangladesh. He wrote, a day would come
when, if somebody found any person, who is Hindu in religion, in
Bangladesh, he would ask why his forefather came in this land, they
would not believe that he was a Bengali kayesto by cast. In fact, he
wanted to say that, one day this land would be a Hindu free country.
This article was published in 1976 or 77. Then freedom fighters of
Bangladesh were young. So it was very shocking matter for those Hindu
boys who fought for the freedom of this country because before the
assassination of Sheikh Mujib ,they never thought that they are Hindus
and they have not equal rights in this country and they have to leave
this country.

However, after the death of Sheikh Mujib, thirty eight years have passed
and in these thirty eight years many things have been happened in
Bangladesh and a much water has flown through the river Padma but still
more than twelve million Hindus are living in Bangladesh. They are not
only living in this country but also fighting for changing the political
and economic situation. In politics, from 15 august of 1975 to still
now Bangladesh is fighting for restoring its political spirit, which the
country has lost in 15 august 1975 through the assassination of Sheikh
Mujib by the defeated force of 1971. Simultaneously, the Hindus are
fighting for building the economy of the country put shoulder on the
shoulder of the majority people. On the other hand, a large number of
Hindus have left the country and most of them have gone to India. A
small portion of them has gone other countries. Those people who have
gone to India, they were bound to leave Bangladesh, the motherland.
However, it is a big question, why a large number of Hindu people have
left the country; on the other hand, more than twelve million Hindus are
living and fighting for this countries good fate. First thing is that
though immigration is the nature of the human being from the very
beginning of the civilization; but people try their level best to stay
in their birthplace because of their culture, heredity and habits.
Besides, an uncertainty always remains in any kind of immigration; it is
economic and social insecurity. Therefore, the Hindu people of
Bangladesh are trying their best to stay in their own land. It is a
natural cause. The socio-political cause is that, a large number of
people in Bangladesh are non-communal; they want a religious harmony in
the society. Besides, the most organized and big political party in
Bangladesh, `Bangladesh Awami League’ and some other small political
parties want a secular country and they are fighting for this at least
three and a half decades. Similarly, a large number of intellectuals of
Bangladesh are fighting for a secular Bangladesh by their heart for a
long; even for this reason some of them have lost their jobs, the Muslim
fundamentalist attacked some of them and some of them were captive in
jail by the fundamentalist government. Overall, in Bangladesh a good
number of educated young generations are now very much vocal in favor of
secular Bangladesh. They are modern, secular and love the freedom
struggle spirit of Bangladesh from their eternal heart. Thus, the
progressive people are helping the Hindu people of Bangladesh, thinking
that it is their country too. Besides, after the assassination of Mujib,
Awami League was in the movement against the reactionary military
government. In those twenty-one years, Awami League was lead by Sheikh
Hasina, the daughter of Sheikh Mujib for sixteen years. The Hindu
people of Bangladesh have kept faith on her. When Awami League was in
the movement, the Hindu people took a lot of pain but they had hoped
that, one-day Awami league would win the movement and then they would
get their full rights.
From the assassination of the Mujib, the Hindu community has been
gradually loosing many of their rights in the state. After the birth of
Bangladesh, they would live under a constitution, which gave them equal
rights in every sector but after the assassination of Mujib, the quasi
military ruler made a lot of change in the constitution by the
proclamations of the martial law. By changing the constitution they cut
the equal rights for all citizens, they divided the citizen of
Bangladesh in the name of religion. From then the state had started
discriminating the people of Bangladesh through religion. It had started
by the military ruler Ziaur Rahaman and the next military ruler gave
its finishing. Amending constitution the next military ruler Earshad,
introduced Islam as a state religion in the constitution. From then
according to the constitution Hindus have not equal rights in Bangladesh
due to their religion. However, it is not the full scenario, there is
another picture in Bangladesh. A number of progressive people are not
with this dirty works of the military and fundamentalist. They want to
repel it from the constitution and they are fighting for it with the
minor communities from the very beginning. However, reality is not in
favor of it. Indeed, after getting freedom, Bangladesh had been run for
twenty-seven years by the military and their successors; they had always
been patronizing the Islamic fundamentalists. So, now the Islamic
fundamentalists are very strong in Bangladesh, besides they have been
trainen by Al Qyeda and Taleban; so they have a power that they can
mislead people in the name of religion. That’s why, present government
of Bangladesh has changed the constitution, they have tried to return
the constitution, which, the country got through the freedom struggle,
but they could not do it properly due to the fear of Islamic
fundamentalists. Despite of their all efforts, they could not erase the
Islamic religion words and Islam is the state religion from the
constitution introduced by the two military rulers. However, the present
government has failed to do the constitution very secular, but it is
true, if this government of Awami league continues in Bangladesh,
one-day constitution will be a secular constitution. It is not only for
the present leadership but also for the new generation. Recently in
Bangladesh, a huge number of new generation came on the road demanding a
capital punishment of war criminals. They stayed on the road more than
one month; it was a revolution, it has changed the mind of the huge
portion of the new generation. In this uprising of the new generation,
it has made clear that the new generation will be a big and strong force
of the secular politics. So if government of Awami league continues
upholding the secular politics, in very near future they will get a big
supporter, they would be in favor of secular politics. So, if Awami
league lead government can continue their power up to that time, then in
Bangladesh the Hindus and the other minorities will live with equal
rights in all sectors. Nobody could dare to discriminate anyone in the
name of religion.
But in Bangladesh, after the uprising of the secular young generation a
notorious thing has been happened. After this uprising of the secular
new generation the Islamic fundamentalist groups, those who have been
consolidating their economic and political power last thirty-nine years,
they come out on the street under the leadership of the present
opposition party, Bangladesh Nationalist Party. Making people confused
they blame that, the secular young generation is atheist and they have
insulted the prophet of Islam. By using the Islamic cards they came out
on the street, they ruined many parts of the capital of the country, and
the main opposition went to take the advantage of it. The main
opposition tried to topple the elected government with the help of those
notorious fundamentalists, but they failed and the fundamentalist
groups were driven away from the capital. In spite of that, they are
working with the main opposition in favor of Islamic fundamentalism. in
the mean time, the world knows very much that the government of
Bangladesh is trailing the war criminals, those who committed war crime
in 1971, the freedom struggle time of Bangladesh. The war crime tribunal
has given nine verdict and most of them got death sentence and the
Supreme Courte has given one verdict, which also death penalty. However
after starting the war crime trial, the war criminal party Jammat-E-
Islami ( Jammat) with the help of their ally Bangladesh Nationalist
Party (BNP) have targeted the Hindu people along with all the
minorities. For last one and half years the Jammat and BNP men have
attacked more than thousands of Hindu houses and vandalized their many
Gods statue. Even their sketch is now very clear that they will force
the Hindu people to leave this country. Because, they know that Hindus
are the supporter of the secular politics. On the other hand, they think
that, the culture, which is upheld by the progressive Bengali people as
Bengali culture is Hindu culture. They never admit that, it is the
culture of this soil. They think that this culture is the main enemy of
their Islamic fundamentalism. The young generation who are called by
them atheist, they are to uphold the Bengali culture. That is why from
the epoch of Pakistan they have identified that Bengali culture as
their main adversary and they believe that Hindu people patronize this
So now, they have understood that, if the present government can be
successful to get power in the next election,they will continue and
finish the trial of the war criminals and the war criminal party Jammat
would be banned; then scenario will be different. If jammat become
banned in Bangladesh and government can finish the trial and execute the
criminals then the root of the Islamic fundamentalist in Bangladesh
will be cut. Then the Middle East groups and ISI will not get chance to
do their terrorist works in Bangladesh. For this reason, they are
trying their level best to win the next election. That is why for three
and half years with the help of their Middle East friends and Inter
Service Intelligence (ISI), they are spending huge amounts of money
inside and outside of the country. They have engaged lobbyists in
America and Europe by huge money. They have purchased media inside of
the country and abroad. They have employed a huge number of women in the
city, town and the village to confuse the women in the name of religion
that present government is the enemy of Islam, so for saving Islam they
should cast their vote for the present opposition party. Besides, their
policy is that before the election they want to terrorize the Hindu
locality by killing, looting, arson, raping and vandalizing the statue
of the Gods. Now they are doing this. Now they are doing this for
stopping the Hindu people going to the vote center. By using all the
weapons if they can win the election under the leadership of BNP then
from the very victory night Bangladesh will fall in real danger. The
Jammat people, fundamentalists and a group of BNP people will start the
genocide. Their first target will be the Hindu people, intellectuals
and the progressive new generations. Then thousands of people will die
and hundreds thousands people will try to take Shelter in India.
So the minority Hindu people in Bangladesh is now living in a dangerous
border line. If fundamentalist groups lead by BNP win in the election,
the forecast of Annada Shankar Roy will be correct; then Bangladesh will
be a Hindu free country. On the other hand if the Awami league lead
ally win the election, Bangladesh will be a modern and secular country
where a generation will come in the front line who are like son of God,
they won’t make the country Hindu free and it will be fundamentalist
free country.