Abduction and gang-raped of minority girl at Khetlal, Bangladesh: Punishment for gang-rape of Taka 12,000 - misappropriated arising out of Arbitration by local touts.
News Report: News published in the daily "Samakal dated 6th February, 2008.
Report submitted by Advocate Rabindra Ghosh, VP HRCBM-Central.
Ms. Rekha Barman (14) daughter of Bhabesh Barman @Gopal Barman Khoka of village Alampur, P.S. Khetlal, District-Joypurhat in Bangladesh gang raped on 28.01.2008. The perpetrators are: - (1) Jewel (26) son of Sujjat Ali Kha and (2) Rubel (23) son of Ayub Ali Kha.
Ms. Rekha Barman was abducted on 28th of January, 2008 and confined her in an abandoned house at night and perpetrators (1) Jewel and (2) Rubel raped her one after another whole night and let her free.
Bhabesh Barman @ Gopal did not see her daughter at home and became puzzled and informed the neighbors, but the neighbors – Akimuddin and Matin Kha proposed for mutual arbitration and Arbitration was held at the house of Advocate Helaluddin. All the arbitrators without the knowledge of Bhabesh Barman procured Taka 12,000/- from the rapists and misappropriated. The fateful incident was suppressed by the local touts. Destitute minority victim had been deprived and no justice was meted out to her and her parents.
Bhabesh is a Hindu destitute land-less day labour . He got no landed property to live, he maintains his family with his daughter – Rekha and his wife with scanty income. Sometimes he and the members of his family remain fasting without food because of poverty.
Police came to know the matter later on 4th February, 2008. Numeri Zaman -Upazilla Nirbahi officer and Shafiqul Islam – Superintendent of Police, Joypurhat visited the spot and came to know this unfortunate incident and they directed the police to take case.
Accordingly Bhabest Barman lodged an F.I.R. at Khetlal Police station against those perpetrators on 04.02.2008 being Khetlal P.S. case no. 2 dated 4.2.2008 under section 7(9)/30 of Nari-O-Shishi Nirjatan Ain,2000.
As soon as I got information from the news published in the daily " Samakal " dated 06.02.2008 I wanted to know from S.P. Joypurhat over his telephone No. 01713374077 (Cell) and also O.C. Md. Akmal Hossain. Both and SP and OC confirmed that they are trying to arrest the perpetrators.
Ms. Rekha Barman (14) daughter of Bhabesh Barman @Gopal Barman Khoka of village Alampur, P.S. Khetlal, District-Joypurhat in Bangladesh gang raped on 28.01.2008. The perpetrators are: - (1) Jewel (26) son of Sujjat Ali Kha and (2) Rubel (23) son of Ayub Ali Kha.
Ms. Rekha Barman was abducted on 28th of January, 2008 and confined her in an abandoned house at night and perpetrators (1) Jewel and (2) Rubel raped her one after another whole night and let her free.
Bhabesh Barman @ Gopal did not see her daughter at home and became puzzled and informed the neighbors, but the neighbors – Akimuddin and Matin Kha proposed for mutual arbitration and Arbitration was held at the house of Advocate Helaluddin. All the arbitrators without the knowledge of Bhabesh Barman procured Taka 12,000/- from the rapists and misappropriated. The fateful incident was suppressed by the local touts. Destitute minority victim had been deprived and no justice was meted out to her and her parents.
Bhabesh is a Hindu destitute land-less day labour . He got no landed property to live, he maintains his family with his daughter – Rekha and his wife with scanty income. Sometimes he and the members of his family remain fasting without food because of poverty.
Police came to know the matter later on 4th February, 2008. Numeri Zaman -Upazilla Nirbahi officer and Shafiqul Islam – Superintendent of Police, Joypurhat visited the spot and came to know this unfortunate incident and they directed the police to take case.
Accordingly Bhabest Barman lodged an F.I.R. at Khetlal Police station against those perpetrators on 04.02.2008 being Khetlal P.S. case no. 2 dated 4.2.2008 under section 7(9)/30 of Nari-O-Shishi Nirjatan Ain,2000.
As soon as I got information from the news published in the daily " Samakal " dated 06.02.2008 I wanted to know from S.P. Joypurhat over his telephone No. 01713374077 (Cell) and also O.C. Md. Akmal Hossain. Both and SP and OC confirmed that they are trying to arrest the perpetrators.
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