It is learnt from an appeal by Ms. Ratna Rani Sarkar (55) wife of Dhirendra Nath Sarkar praying for legal assistance that her husband was illegally detained by police on charge of fabricated and false rape case. She also stated that her husband is a diabetic patient and not habituated with sexual intercourse; in no way he could rape a girl belonging to Muslim community. Her husband is old man and got cultivable land at his village home. She got one daughter married to one physician 7 years ago and no other issue. Dhirendra is known as a very simple and law abiding citizen of Bangladesh. The people irrespective of caste and creed love him for his amiable disposition. She also explained that due to their religious faith her husband had been implicated in a nasty case with the help of local police by powerful chairman and UP members and sent to jail custody.
Some local Muslims namely 1) Md. Abdul Rahman Khandakar son of late Saamiruddin Khandakar 2) Md. Motiurul Akand son of late Naku Akanda 3) Md. Saidur Mondal son of late Mansur Ali Mondal and 4) Md. Sitabuddin Akand son of Naziruddin Akand were threatening since long for taking zizia tax (Tax imposed by Islamist on minorities to live in Bangladesh) illegally. As Dhirendra did not pay attention to their illegal demand, then there was deep conspiracy to damage his reputation.
Due to continuous repression by the above influential persons Dhirendra made a general diary entry number 680 dated 16.04.2008 at Sonatala police station alleging that the above perpetrators were threatening him for life and conspiracy made to grab his landed properties. Police was informed duly for his protection of life as was contemplated in his previous assumption.
But unfortunately there was a secret meeting amongst the conspirators and they hatched up a plan to implicate Dhirendra in a concocted non-bail able case. Ms. Selina Khatun (12) a minor Muslim girl of the same locality hired by the above conspirators, set up a case alleging that she has been raped by Dhirendra on 16th of April,2008 while Selina Khatun was going to bath at about 2.30 p.m.
Lastly on 22.04.2008 the conspirators hired the minor girl and brought her before O.C. Sonatala PS for lodging FIR against Dhirendra on the charge of rape after 6 days of alleged rape.
O.C. Sonataka PS most illegally without any investigation, not ascertaining the genuineness of allegation arrested Dhirendra and started Sonatala PS case No. 10 dated 22.04.2008 under section 9(1) of Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Ain, 2003.
O.C. also obtained a medical certificate from the medical doctor that Ms.Selina Khatun was sexually assaulted.
HRCBM representatives rushed to the spot on 11th of May, 2008 at about 8 p.m. and enquired about Dhirendra, asked the local people, about his character, everybody irrespective of caste and creed opined that Dhirendra is a good old man and he is loved by everybody for his amiable nature. More than 5 Muslim inhabitants of the village imparted that the case started against Dhirendra is out of vengeance and rivalry with the local competitors only to harass him in the locality.
Investigators from HRCBM went to the house of informant – Ms. Selina Khatun, found her and her poor mother, brother. They expressed that Selina has been raped by Dhirendra paying taka 100/- in a solitary room on 16th of April, 2008. HRCBM investigator asked them why the case was not started soon after the alleged incident of rape took place on 16th of April, 2008. They could not reply satisfactorily. They also could not answer why the victim was not produced before the Medical board after the alleged incident of rape on 16.04.2008.
The investigation team also scrutinized the copy of FIR lodged by Ms. Selina, on 22.04.2008; she doesn't read and write, she only gave thump impression at the FIR. Investigator examined the general diary No.680 dated 16.04.2008 filed by Dhirendra at local Police Station and the FIR filed by alleged victim of rape. It is clear from the content of FIR that the FIR is pre-meditated and the subsequent medical certificate obtained by O.C. on the question rape is far from reality. It is also clear from the contents of the FIR that the names of the witnesses are the enemy of Dhirendra who were trying to harass him since long.
The investigation team also met with Mr. A.B.M. Zahidul Islam, O.C. Sonatala PS on 12th at about 1 a.m. who was very much reluctant to talk to us, even he was threatening the team not to do the humanitarian job for the protection of rights of minorities, and O.C. started to rebuke us and prevented us from taking any picture of our discussion. He also tried to snatch away our video camera from our HR activist – Tapan Kumar Pandey. The O.C. is found to be more interested for the protection of rights of Muslim girl, although there is no prima –facie case of rape against the minority victim – Dhirendra nath Sarkar.
The team also received hundred of spot signatures irrespective of caste and creed for withdrawal of false case against this innocent minority victim.
All the statements of local people, members of victim family have been video taped. The local people also demanded punishment of the conspirators responsible for creating false case against the old and ailing Hindu victim.
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