Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM)
P.O. Box 5493
Santa Clara, CA 95056
Email: info@hrcbm.org
Ph: 212-592-3627
Fax: 215-434-6804
Monday May 10, 2008HRCBM/Bang/UA_05_10_2008/Protection_2008Bangladesh:
Violence against Women and Children in Bangladesh Must be Stopped
With deep anguish and dismay Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) urges that the barbaric violence and extreme human rights abuses that continue to be perpetrated against the religious and ethnic minorities and indigenous people of Bangladesh, especially women and children, must be stopped.
We are shocked to report that the widespread barbaric acts of violence against the religious and ethnic minorities that started before the October 1, 2001 general election in Bangladesh, and continued throughout the period of the past BNP-Jaamat Coalition Government, are still continuing even under the current Caretaker Government and a state of emergency.
These incidents of ongoing violence and crime perpetrated against the minorities, the weaker section of the people, depict a trend towards silent genocide by a vested and powerful circle in the country. These abominable acts of violence are affecting the very fabric of our society, destroying the very foundation of rights and liberty of a democratic and civil society.
While many incidences of ongoing violence and human rights abuses against the religious and ethnic minorities and Adibasis (indigenous people) are not reaching the news media, many such reports are still being published in the national and international media everyday.
With grave concern we issue this Urgent Action Appeal to draw your attention on the four cases of gang rapes and abductions that occurred within a month. We appeal to the conscience of the people, governments and human rights institutions including the United Nation for immediate intervention to procure justice for the victims and apprehension of the criminals.
1. Case of Mili Rani Malakar: Only Adolescent Daughter of a Blind Father Abducted and Gang-raped for 7 Days in Sylhet, Bangladesh
Incident: Mili Rani Sarkar, daughter of Khoka Malakar of village Kholadapunia, Jokiganj of Sylhet was abducted on 24th April, 08 and left in a critical condition of unconscious at Bhattapara Primary School on 1 May late night, 94 miles East of Sylhet district Headquarters. Following day, local people collected some funds and sent the victim in a stage of comma to the Osmani Hospital Sylhet.
Mili Rani is the only earning member of the family as her father is blind. She used to sell vaccine for poultry firms and was barely able to feed the family with this meager income.
Current situation: Doctors of the hospital say that the condition of the patient is very critical and she was mercilessly gang raped for days together. Mili is still under the medical care of Osmani Hospital' ICU and will remain there some more days. Nobody is allowed to see or talk to her without prior local police permission.
Allegation: Police was reluctant to register case and instead was cooperating with the criminals.
For Details: Please visit http://www.hrcbm.org/ or http://quandaryreflection.blogspot.com/
2. Case of Upama Dutta:
A Minor Minority Girl Abducted in Dinajpur, Bangladesh
Incident: Mr. Chanchal Dutta of Barabandar under Kotwali Police Station of Dinajpur, reported that his minor daughter Miss Upama Dutta (15), a student of class IX in the local school, while going to her tutor Mr. Tapan Chakraborty's residence on 26th April at around 7:30 AM was abducted by a neighborhood hoodlum on the road, named Sohel Chowdhury, son of Alamgir Chowdhury alias Dulal Miah, a local man of Baluchar of Dinajpur. He used a motor vehicle to abduct her. Two local young men were the accomplices of this incident. The younger brother of Upama Dutta helplessly witnessed the abduction.
Allegation: Due to the pressure from influential quarters and police, victim’s father failed to register the case. Later a FIR was register on 05/01/08. A number of our volunteers called both SP of Dinajpur, Mostafa Kamal (Tel: 880-1716386246 and 880-1713373955) and Officer in Charge Mr. Matiur Rahman (Tel: 880-1713373963). However, according to HRCBM-Dinajpur and volunteers who called the Police Station reported that both police officers seem to be racially biased and are in good term with criminals.
Current situation: Despite our engagement in this case, the girl is yet to be found.
For Details: Please visit http://www.hrcbm.org/ or http://quandaryreflection.blogspot.com/
3. Case of a Minor Minority Girl Kidnapped at Mongla, Bangladesh
Incident: A sixteen year old daughter of Parimal Roy was preparing to appear, until this incident, at this year’s S.S.C. (Secondary School Certificate) examination from the local Amratola-Chapra Secondary School. On the fateful evening of March 2, when she went outside of her home in order to respond to nature’s call, she was abducted by a neighborhood hoodlum, Saiful Molla, son of Hai Molla, a powerful and wealthy local man. He used a motorcycle to abduct her. Two local young men named Tapas and Suman Mondal were the accomplices of this incident. When Parimal Roy approached Abdul Hai Molla and their relatives on the following day in order to apprise him of this incident, they asked Parimal Roy to keep quiet. Subsequently, Parimal Roy again brought this incident to the notice of the guardians of the abductor and other villagers but to no effect. Failing to resolve this issue with Saiful’s guardians and being unable to file a case with the local police station for fear of revenge and retaliation, Parimal came to the press club and expressed his utter grief with the question “Will they do whatever they want to do to my daughter because I am a poor, helpless man?”, while he broke down in tears.
Allegation: It is alleged that police was initially reluctant to register the case.
Current situation: HRCBM has assigned a local lawyer to handle the case but the girl is yet to be rescued.
For Details: Please visit http://www.hrcbm.org/ or http://quandaryreflection.blogspot.com/
4. Case of Krishna Dey (18): A Minority Married Girl Kidnapped at Noakhali, Bangladesh
Incident: On 4th April 2008 a number of hoodlums (about 9 or more) as follows:
( 1) Abdullah Al Mamun @ Rafi, (2) Moinuddin (3) Rabin son of Mannan Commissioner, (4) Manju (5) Rajib son of Moinuddin (6) Putul son of Tofail Ahmed (7) Harun son of unknown (8) Din Islam son of Abdul Hakim and (9) Hukka, all of from Begumganj -Noakhali kidnapped Mrs. Krishna Dey (18) daughter of Mr. Tapan Dey on the way to her father-in-law's home at Chandpur.
Current situation: Mr. Tapan Dey, father of the victim, lodged an FIR against those perpetrators at Begumganj Police Station on the 4th of May, 2008 (Begumganj P.S. case No. 5 dated 5.04.2008 under section 7(30) of Nari-O-Shishu Nirjatan Ain, 2000).
Arrest: Police only arrested Din Islam son of A. Hakim and Hukka today. Police has not yet arrested other accused and rescued the victim.
Local Police Station contacts: Mr. Khandakar Lutful Kabir, Superintendent of Police, Noakhali telephone Number 880-171-337-3742.
For Details: Please visit http://www.hrcbm.org/ or http://quandaryreflection.blogspot.com/
Note: At the time of writing this appeal, Police found to be prejudiced and reluctant to apprehend the criminals in each case.
Urgent Action Demanded
The Human Right Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM) vehemently protests and condemns these repugnant and barbaric acts of violence and violation of the rights including abduction and gang rape of the minor girls and women. We appeal to the Caretaker Government of Bangladesh, the Chief Advisor, Dr. Fakruddin Ahmed, the Chief of Army Staff, General Moeen U. Ahmed, the IG of Police, and the conscience of the peoples, governments and human rights institutions, including the United Nations, for immediate intervention to save the life and dignity of the above unfortunate victims and their helpless families, and to protect the rights of the religious and ethnic minorities and indigenous people of Bangladesh.
1. Honourable Dr. Fakhruddin AhmedChief Adviser Government of the People's Republic of BangladeshOffice of the Chief AdvisorTejgaon, Dhaka BANGLADESHFax: +880 2 811 3244 / 3243 / 1015 / 1490Tel: +880 2 882 816 079 / 988 8677
2. General Moeen U AhmedChief of Army StaffBangladesh ArmyArmy HeadquartersDhaka CantonmentDhakaBANGLADESHTel: +880 2 9870011Fax: +880 2 8754455
3. Mr. Mohammad Ruhul AminChief JusticeSupreme Court of BangladeshSupreme Court BuildingRamna, Dhaka-1000BANGLADESHFax: +880 2 956 5058Tel: +880 2 956 2792
4. Mr. A F Hassan ArifAdviserMinistry of Law, Justice & Parliamentary AffairsBangladesh SecretariatDhaka-1000BANGLADESHTel: +880 2 7160627 (O)Fax: +880 2 7168557 (O)
5. Barrister Fida M KamalAttorney General of BangladeshOffice of the Attorney GeneralSupreme Court BuildingRamna, Dhaka-1000BANGLADESHFax: +880 2 956 1568Tel: +880 2 956 2868
6. Mr. Nur MohammadInspector General of Police (IGP) Bangladesh PolicePolice Headquarters'Fulbaria, Dhaka-1000BANGLADESHFax: +880 2 956 3362 / 956 3363Tel: +880 2 956 2054 / 717 6451 / 717 6677
7. Mr. Asaduzzaman Mian Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG) Khulna RangeOffice of the DIG Khulna RangeKhulna BANGLADESHTel: +880 41 761823 (O) Fax: +880 41 761300 (O)
8. Mr. Hassan Mahmud KhandokarDirector General (DG)Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)RAB HeadquarterUttara, DhakaBANGLADESHTel: +88-02- 8961105 (O)Fax: +880 2 8962884 (O)
9. Ms. Hina JilaniSpecial Representative of the Secretary General for human rights defendersAtt: Melinda Ching SimonRoom 1-040, c/o OHCHR-UNOG1211 Geneva 10SWITZERLANDTel: +41 22 917 93 88Fax: +41 22 917 9006 (ATTN: SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE HUMAN RIGHTSDEFENDERS)
Salutation: Dear Sir
PLEASE SEND THE APPEAL IMMEDIATELY:Please voice your support, fax or mail your appeal to the addresses above, and help save humanity from the perils of barbaric atrocities.
Please contact us at info@hrcbm.org for any question and further details.
On behalf of Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities (HRCBM)
Dhiman Deb Chowdhury, President
Dr. Ajit K. Roy, General Secretary
NB: This Urgent Action Appeal has been sent to the UN Secretary General, US State Department, US Ambassador to Bangladesh, Bangladesh Ambassador to the US, Amnesty International, IMF, World Bank, Paris Consortium, International Human Rights Organizations, world leaders and governments all over the world.
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