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Monday, March 8, 2010

Dalit miseries told in drama

Source: The Daily Star News

A group of Dalit girls described their tales of suffering in their everyday lives by staging a drama at Sarak Deep at Dhaka University campus yesterday.

The girls used the occasion of International Women's Day to highlight how Dalit girls and women are being deprived of opportunities in various sectors, including education and work.

After the play concluded, the Dalits made an eight-point demand to have their economic, civil, and human rights recognised.

The play was arranged by the Horitri Foundation, which is run by members of Dalit community.

The foundation also hosted a fair with hand-made products on display, including eye-catching clay ornaments.

Former adviser to caretaker government Rokia Afzal Rahman formally inaugurated the programme.

Chief guest Rokia said she was delighted to attend the function and promised to work with the community to strengthen their rights-based movement.

Rokia placed emphasis on ensuring access to technology to working women.

Executive Director of the Foundation Adan Islam said women of Dalit community are the most vulnerable in society as they are deprived of many basic human rights.

Dalits speak different languages as they are a mixed population of various caste groups across South Asia.

They are traditionally regarded as the lowest caste.

Hundreds of Dalit women also assembled at DU campus to voice their social, economical and human rights.

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