a Minor Hindu School girl abducted and forcefully converted to Islam at Chandaikona ( Haldar para) Royganj under Sirajganj District on 2 NOVEMBER, 2009
HRCBM-Bangladesh , November 10 :: Ms.Shewli Rani Sarkar(15) – daughter of Chitta ranjan Sarkar (40) of Chandaikona ( Haldar para ) under Raiganj Thana Dist Sirajganj , a Hindu School girl ( SSC Examinee) abducted and forcefully converted to Islam.
Ms.Shewli Rani Sarkar who was kidnapped and abducted by some Muslim perpetrators on 2nd of November,2009 at about 8 A.M. in the morning while she was proceeding towards her private school teacher at Royganj Upazila of Serajganj district of Bangladesh. She was lifted forcefully by a microbus bearing registration No Dhaka Metro –Ga-11-9690 .
As per first information report (FIR) filed by Mr.Chitta Ranjan Sarkar - father of the victim on 2nd of November,2009 at Royganj police station it is stated therein that her minor daughter was forcefully captured by below noted perpetrators and picked her showing deadly arms to board her in a micro bus hired by those perpetrators at about 8 A.M. while she was going to take coaching with her class mate Ms.Shawn (14) and those perpetrators had gone to unknown destination with the victim from Chandai Kona Bus Stand.
Perpetrators are : 1. Abdullah al Mamun (26) son of late Altaf Hossain, 2. Md. Siddique Hossain (25) son of Sajjad 3. Driver Mintu Sheikh son of Farid Uddin, 4. Peerjada Azmal Hossain (35) son of late Fazar Ali, 5. Mohammd Biblab (23) son of late Matiar Rahman, all of village Sengati, P.S - Royganj, District-Serajganj, Bangladesh.As soon as the news of kidnapping of this victim came to knowledge of the local people they immeidately staged demonstration and barricated roads of the local area and protested against this type of holiganism.
Police was informed but police could not recover this victim girl till writing of this report.
Communicated with Shamsul Hoque, Officer-in-Charge of Royganj police station ( 01713374045 ) over telephone and came to know that he is trying to recover the victim girl soon. Mr.Shamsul Hoque also informed us that the micro bus which was hired by perpetrators has been recovered, but police could not recover the victim nor arrested perpetrators. A case No.01 dated 02.11.2009 under section 7/30 of Women and Children Repression Act has been started against those perpetrators at Royganj police station. The OC has sought assistance from the member of public through an advertisement published the daily Korotoa on 5 November 2009 .
Meanwhile , President Chandaikona Traders Association , A Halim Khan , mentor cum close associate of perpetrator has been fomenting communal tension against the local minorities . It is learn that Halim Khan , an associate of Islamist group , has been playing a dubious role in the community . It appears that, he may have a link with this women trafficking in the country .
The allegation that Muslim men entice Hindu and Christian women into marriage for reasons other than love, as part of an Islamist conspiracy, has recently been investigated by the Kerala Police and has brought out some ugly details," report The Indian Express ,October 1,2009
Under his instruction Sheuli Rani ( 15) was converted Islam and forced her to get herself married ( in the Nikahnama , Sheuli Sarkar was shown at age 20) with Abdullah Al Mamun (29) that was later registered in an affidavit of the Notary Public
The legal guardian of the victim informed us that some Islamic fundamentalist are also involved with this crime for forceful conversion as per Sharia Law. And those perpetrators and their associates are chanting slogans to support them as they believe that they committed no crime as per Islamic law.
It's shame and we the Hindus of this Country will have to live with it as long as we have no other option.
But what this HR people are doing.Highlighting our emberasment.
I am shame to say I am Bengali. I don't know, when we (Hindu) can freely say we are Bengali..Thanks to HR. How come we don't see this kind of news on National TV?
Anybody should raise their voice about this incident. There are lot of good Muslims in the society who has the social responsibility, courage, and understand this kind of problems. They should raise their voice first and throw them out from the society unless they are coming in to the main stream and help their country to grow from all aspect instead of doing this kind of harmful act in the society.
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